Courses for Everyone

Bartrums Training is a very interactive workshop compared to those available from other providers which feel more like lectures. The day really fine tuned our staff skills. We have put all our staff through First aid, CPC, Forklift and Hazardous awareness courses for many years, we cannot thank Ian

Exceptional Service

My company has used the services of Bartrums for the past 13 years and I have nothing but respect and admiration for the way things are run there. Service has always been exceptional with goods ALWAYS delivered on schedule and on time.

Delivering from the Heart of East Anglia

Having spent over 35 yrs in the agricultural sector,  I have always regarded Bartrums Bulk Haulage a life line to us farmers and growers.  24/7 come rain or shine they have been there for me and my team.  Always approachable and deliver as requested

Delivered the impossible

Bartrums Road Services carried on their Platinum service once again and over come the hurdles of weather and current Covid pandemic, to deliver much needed PPE.   I will always say that Bartrums Road Services are an extension to our company and we have always held strong relationships with this

Brilliant Family Run Business

Bartrum Haulage & Storage with their level of service, advice and professionalism has been outstanding from day 1.  They have taken away the many issues and risks that we faced with our previous haulage provider.